Transforming Vision Into Robotics Reality
Flipsky 75100 Pro V2.0 With Aluminum PCB Based on VESC For Electric Skateboard / Scooter / Ebike Speed Controller
Flipsky 75100 Pro V2.0 With Aluminum PCB Based on VESC For Electric Skateboard / Scooter / Ebike Speed Controller
Flipsky 75100 Pro V2.0 With Aluminum PCB Based on VESC For Electric Skateboard / Scooter / Ebike Speed Controller
Flipsky 75100 Pro V2.0 With Aluminum PCB Based on VESC For Electric Skateboard / Scooter / Ebike Speed Controller
Flipsky 75100 Pro V2.0 With Aluminum PCB Based on VESC For Electric Skateboard / Scooter / Ebike Speed Controller

Flipsky 75100 Pro V2.0 With Aluminum PCB Based on VESC For Electric Skateboard / Scooter / Ebike Speed Controller



  • Advanced VESC Technology: Ensures precise control and smooth operation.
  • Built-in BEC: Stable 5V@1.5A output for auxiliary electronics.
  • Firmware Update Support: Allows for seamless updates to firmware 6.02.
  • Regenerative Braking: Converts kinetic energy into usable power during braking.
  • Dual Mode Control: Supports BLDC square wave and FOC sine wave modes.
  • Impressive ERPM Limit: Smooth and consistent performance up to 150,000 ERPM.
  • In-built Bluetooth: It comes with inbuilt Bluetooth module.
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